Moonshine Overture

ID: SM-000492738
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2020
Gênero Jazz / Swing
Instrumentação Piano, Clarinete, Trombone baixo, Trombone, Trombeta, Saxofone Tenor, Saxofone Barítono, Bateria
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 4'0"
dificuldade Medium
descripção A fun and lively prohibition era-style big band chart, which will be lots of fun for audiences and players alike. As the name 'overture' suggests, it was written to be a show-opener, but could fit neatly anywhere in a set.

This arrangement calls for the alto saxes to pick up their clarinets (for the whole piece!), but 2 alto sax substitute parts are also included if needed, which mirror the clarinet parts in function, but with adjusted ranges.

Hope you like the piece! Feel free to get in touch with me at with any feedback, requests, or queries.
data de postagem 10.05.2020


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