Norma's Lullaby (for piano + solo instrument)

ID: SM-000319509
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2013
Gênero Clássico
Instrumentação Piano, Free choice: Any Instrument
Composição paraSolo, Piano de Acompanhamento
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers, Partes
duração 3'0"
dificuldade Easy
descripção A simple piano + lead instrument arrangement. Although a Bb trumpet is used in the recording and on the score, the download also includes the lead melody in C (other keys are available on request - please see below for contact details).

This piece would be particularly good for newer players, given the easy key and slow pace. That said, there is plenty of room for more advanced players to add expression and feeling to the piece.

The piano arrangement is very simple, but chords are included if the pianist wishes to embellish a little.

Please do get in touch at with any comments or feedback.
data de postagem 21.12.2017


Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano
2.99 USD
PDF, 920.5 Kb (13 p.)


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