Sleepy Head

ID: SM-000235502
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Jazz
chave Lá (A) bemol maior
Instrumentação Piano, Baixo, Bateria, Free choice: Any Instrument
Composição paraQuinteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 2'0"
dificuldade Easy
descripção A pleasant, peaceful jazz ballad written for a friend who - and she will be the first to admit this - enjoys a good kip. This was written to help her enjoy one of her favourite pastimes.

It's an easy tune to play with straightforward chords, making it good for a beginner improviser. The performer should be careful to concentrate on a good tone for this piece, as the quality of the sound will really make or break it. Hopefully, the simplicity of the tune will allow places to focus on their timbre and intonation, making it a good piece not just for general performance but for practice as well.

The harmonies that come in at the end of the recording are not written in as they are improvised. It's a good melody for harmonising - see what you can come up with!

Hope you enjoy it! Please send any comments or requests to
data de postagem 05.12.2015
total de downloads 4

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