
ID: SM-000220234
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Jazz / Swing
chave Si (B) bemol maior
Instrumentação Piano, Flauta, Trombone, Trombeta, Baixo, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Saxofone Barítono, Bateria
Composição paraBanda Grande
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 4'0"
dificuldade Medium
descripção Jaywalker is a pleasant big band swing piece in the chilled out style of the Count Basie big band.

It's written to be playable by bands from High School level up. The flute part, though I highly recommend it as I think it adds a delightful touch, is not strictly necessary & directions are included in the score and parts for the flute-less big band to perform the piece.

The chart is so-called because the main tune came to me as I was sauntering across a road without the aid of traffic lights or a zebra crossing .... i.e. jaywalking (in England, where it's not illegal!)

I do hope you enjoy the piece. You are most welcome to download and perform it and I would love to know if you do! Please drop me a message at michael.roberts@ucl.ac.uk with any comments you might have.

Thanks for listening!
data de postagem 26.01.2015
total de downloads 55

Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano
PDF, 1.94 Mb (75 p.)


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