Round the Block

ID: SM-000215674
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2014
Gênero Jazz / Swing
chave Mi (E) bemol maior
Instrumentação Baixo, Bateria, Teclado, Free choice: Instrument in B Flat, Bass Clef Instrument, Instrument in E Flat, Treble Clef Instrument
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 3'0"
dificuldade Medium
descripção A pleasant and relatively bebop piece, written in leadsheet form & can be performed by pretty much any type of jazz band.

The tune is easier than it looks as it runs off the fingers quite nicely (for trumpet and sax, at least). The chords are pretty simple to solo over, but watch out for those flat 9 and diminished chords!

I've included a chord guide and example walk for more inexperienced jazz pianists/bass players.

The piece also words nicely with a laid-back Latin feel.

If you play this with your jazz band I'd really love to hear what you do with it. Please get in touch at
data de postagem 20.12.2014
total de downloads 18

Arquivo de partitura musica incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano
PDF, 332.8 Kb (9 p.)


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