Someone Like You

ID: SM-000198823
CompositorMichael J.D. Roberts
EditoraMichael J.D. Roberts
Ano de composição 2014
Gênero Jazz / Instrumental
chave Dó (C) maior
Instrumentação Piano, Trombone, Trombeta, Baixo, Saxophone alto, Saxofone Tenor, Saxofone Barítono, Bateria
Composição paraBanda Grande
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
duração 3'0"
dificuldade Easy
descripção A simple, pleasant jazz ballad for big band. I have tried to keep this easy to play for all instruments, so it could be played by a big band of any ability. There is also scope to perform it if you are missing some parts because instruments double up much of the time.

Mutes for the brass instruments are optional, as are brushes for the drums. The contrast in the dynamics is really up to the band-leader to decide, particularly at the end when it could built up to a strong climax or it could equally stay relatively modest.

I hope you enjoy this piece. For comments or requests, please get in touch at

Thanks for listening!

(n.b. the recording is slightly out of date, but the differences are minimal)
data de postagem 15.02.2014
total de downloads 132

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